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Factors To Consider When Choosing A Quality Web Directory

Posted On February 17th, 2023 By Ally Web Directory

Quality Web Directory


Nearly a majority of people are aware of and consider search engine rank as an imperative aspect for determining excellent web directories. However, with a thorough understanding, it is still very far from being the lone factor for consideration. We have put in our efforts to highlight a few other factors that must be taken into consideration at the time of assessing the quality web directory. These might not be the only important aspects, although could be called unavoidable.

Directory Listings and Descriptions

It is essential to review the directory’s listings and descriptions as they give an in-depth understanding of the directory and its reputation. If the titles or descriptions do not make sense and contain gibberish words, the directory does not provide an editorial examination. Additionally, disorganized and spammed listings show that the directory does not review the content of the listings.

Directory Rating

Checking the directory’s rating is crucial, especially when the directory claims to be kid-friendly. Manually reviewing the listings can help identify any adult content that could mislead internet users and create a negative impact. You can use the directory’s search function in order to look up sites with unacceptable keywords.

Authenticity Check

Using search engines to query the keywords contained in the directory is an easy way to check its authenticity. If the major categories in the directory show up in the search results, the quality of the directory is good. It also shows that search engines recognize the directory as a high-quality web directory.

Categorization Of A Quality Web Directory

Ensure that the directory is well-categorized, and subcategories can create a good impression. Website owners need to ensure their sites are listed correctly to avoid losing potential traffic. Checking the other websites, listed in the same category have similar subject matters also helps attract the target audience.

Backlinks Of A Quality Web Directory

The quality and strength of the directory’s backlinks play an important role in assessing its reputation on search engines. A directory with a combination of quality and strong links is beneficial to website owners.

Traffic On A Quality Web Directory

Traffic is the most critical aspect that decides the worth of a directory. Checking the backlinks and Alexa rating of the directory can provide a fair idea of its traffic. While the data on Alexa may not be as accurate, it is still useful in assessing web directories.

Free vs. Paid Listings

There is an ongoing debate about the benefits of submitting to free versus paid directories. While free listings are not always bad, they can be time-consuming when checking the listings. On the other hand, when submitting to directories you expect to be high quality or those with higher pricing, the above factors can be very useful in determining if the submission is valuable.


In conclusion, website owners need to consider more than just the rank when assessing web directories. Reviewing listings and descriptions, checking directory ratings, querying keywords on search engines, categorization, backlinks, and traffic are all crucial aspects to consider. Whether submitting to free or paid directories, it is essential to consider the above factors so as to get full value for your submission.

We are confident that Ally Directory can meet all your needs for online business visibility. Submit your business to our regularly reviewed and properly categorized directory, overseen by our team of expert editors.

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The Benefits of Deep Links: How to Maximize Your Website’s Potential

Posted On February 17th, 2023 By Ally Web Directory

Deep Links In Directories


Deep links refer to hyperlinks that direct users to specific pages within a website, rather than the homepage or a general landing page. Understanding the concept of deep links is crucial for businesses seeking to leverage its advantages. For instance, imagine that you own an e-commerce platform, and instead of directing users to specific product descriptions or articles, you include a backlink to the homepage. This approach does not facilitate optimal link structuring and can lead to missed opportunities to promote various products and their unique features.

Another way to conceptualize deep linking is to consider how individuals share websites with friends or colleagues. Typically, individuals copy and paste the link from their browser to share a particular page or article, rather than simply sharing the homepage. Deep linking allows individuals to share specific pages, thereby providing precise location information for a particular article or product description on a website.

For example, instead of simply asking the visitors to go to “” and find the exact page of interest, you can always provide the precise link like “

Deep links & E-commerce

Deep linking is a valuable asset to e-commerce businesses as it offers users a more expedient and hassle-free browsing experience. By providing links to specific pages within a website, businesses can help consumers quickly access the information or products they are searching for, thereby increasing website traffic. Additionally, deep links enhance the integrity of a website by directing users to the exact location of the products they are interested in.

While it is easy to overlook the value of inner pages on a website, they can be a significant asset if properly maintained. Each page should be treated like a website in its own right, optimized with a range of keywords to attract a variety of visitors. Deep links are a key component of a successful linking strategy, just as backlinks are essential for search engine optimization.

By incorporating deep links, businesses can convince consumers about the value of their services beyond what is visible on the home page. This is particularly relevant for content-rich websites, which may have busy home pages that can overwhelm visitors. Deep links allow users to bypass the homepage and navigate directly to the specific content they are interested in.

Deep Links & SEO

Deep linking is a vital element of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that can significantly improve a website’s search engine ranking. Search engines use advanced algorithms to identify natural links, and having a mix of the home page and internal links can increase the visibility of internal web pages in search results.

The number of deep links to a website is a critical factor in driving traffic and increasing the chances of selling products. When optimizing a website for search engines, it is advisable not to focus on optimizing the homepage for more than a couple of keywords. Instead, each page on the site should target a diverse set of keywords, requiring a unique linking campaign for each page.

Incorporating internal links in web directories is an effective strategy for improving search engine rankings. We, at Ally Web Directory, offer customers, the option to submit 3 or 5 deep links along with their main URL.

How To Implement “Deep Links”?

Incorporating deep links on your website can be achieved through several methods. One approach is to leverage free articles in your link-building campaign. Certain links can be made static on all pages where your articles appear, allowing you to modify the links on those static boxes and effortlessly promote your website.

Additionally, you can utilize hypertext programming language to create deep links, which does not require advanced HTML knowledge and can be done using basic HTML codes. With this method, a few keywords are extracted from the articles on each page and then hyperlinked to another page on the same website. The ultimate objective is to interlink all pages on your domain website with at least one other page on the same site, ensuring that all pages are interconnected.

There are some challenges associated with creating deep links for your site, such as convincing other sites to link to your site. Most sites are willing to link to your site, but they often link to the home page only and not to the “deep” link. Even if they agree to a deep link submission, there may be a limit on the number of deep links you can submit.

It is crucial to spread your links across the pages on your domain, as a page filled with links only can appear artificial and cluttered, which can negatively impact the credibility of your website. Site administrators can also consider building internal deep links while creating a new web page, although this approach can be time-consuming.


In summary, deep linking is crucial for ongoing website development and can significantly increase user engagement. Without deep links, visitors may only briefly peruse a few articles before moving on to other sites. By providing direct links to specific pages, businesses can encourage users to remain on their websites for longer periods and explore a range of content.

In terms of Search Engine Optimization, deep linking is an essential SEO tactic that can increase a website’s search engine visibility, drive traffic, and improve the chances of selling products. To optimize a website for search engines effectively, it is crucial to create a mix of the home page and internal links, target multiple keywords, and focus on optimizing individual pages rather than the website as a whole

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What You Should Know About Directory Submissions

Posted On March 10th, 2007 By Ally Web Directory

One of the best things you can do to ensure a continuous flow of high traffic to your website is by submitting your URL to a Web Directory listing. In many cases, this will increase your search engine visibility dramatically. And as we all know, search engine optimization is a key factor in making your website stand out among a sea of similar websites.

Admittedly the practice of submitting URL’s to Web Directories is not as popular as it once was. This noticeable decline in Web Directory submissions can be attributed in large part to major changes that sites like Google made in their ranking algorithms, which occurred sometime in 2004.

Nonetheless, submitting your URL to Web Directories remains a highly effective and viable means to ensure high traffic, which results from high search engine result listings. Specifically, the main reasons why people submit their sites to such directories are: to get good, permanent links, to get a good search engine PR link to their own site and to get traffic and leads from these Web Directories. The first two concerns in particular have a great deal to do with how high your own site will rank in Google and other search engines. It is for these and various other reasons that the Web Directory phenomena has blossomed dramatically and more sites are joining in on the action and sprouting up everyday to meet this huge demand.

One of the problems inherent in this massive increase in Web Directories is that many of them have become little more than what is commonly known as “Link Farms”; websites with little or no content aside from the directories and links themselves. Google in particular takes a dim view of such websites and in many cases have banned these permanently, resulting in the offending sites not appearing on Google search result listings at all. Obviously this will have a detrimental effect on a particular site’s visibility and many business owners who have previously relied heavily on Web Directory listings for their traffic were sorely disappointed by Google’s actions.

Fortunately there is a way to avoid this obstacle which can be a potential death sentence, so to speak, for your website. The best thing for you to do is have your site listed in a reputable, high-quality, paid Web Directory service such as Ally Web Directory. This site and others like it will have the proper skill, manpower and policies in place to ensure that your website does not end up in Google’s blacklist. A good Web Directory site will help make sure that your own website gets the visibility you need, resulting in increased traffic, which will of course translate into added revenue for your business.

If you are at all concerned with increasing traffic to your site, you would be better off not sign up with a free Web Directory service and instead submit your site to a paid Web Directory service such as Ally Web Directory. Free directories generally do not offer extra services aside from directory listings and they are not likely to last very long.

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Why Should You Pay For Web Directory Inclusion?

Posted On February 24th, 2007 By Ally Web Directory

The Internet today is a bewildering hodgepodge of information, media content, online merchants offering various products and services and much, much more. It can be quite a formidable challenge to seek out exactly what you are looking for. If you are planning to – or already have a website of your own, it can be easily lost in the tangle of similarly themed websites and be difficult for even the most experienced web surfer to find. Indeed, the current battle for online visibility and accessibility has been raging hot and heavy for a number of years now. So how exactly do you ensure that your website rises above the pile in a landscape of similar websites?

It has long been known by the Internet-savvy – both web designers and long-time surfers that Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) is one of the most important factors to consider when making sure that a particular website attracts as many people as possible. Aside from such methods as website design optimization and organization, posting rich and informative content and regular site updates and maintenance, the best thing you can do to increase your website’s visibility is having it included in a Web Directory. Inclusion in a Strong Web Directory such as will go along way in dramatically increasing your website’s chances of viewership by the right audience.

As you can imagine, websites that offer Web Directory listings are a dime a dozen nowadays and many sites are scrambling to offer such services, both free and paid. The main and perhaps some might say only advantage to free websites is of course that they are free. This advantage, which may be of primary consideration for those on an extremely limited or non-existent budget, is however offset by one major disadvantage. Many search engines do not, as a rule, prioritize free Web Directory listings in their search results for many various reasons; they may be poorly written, contain missing or dead links and because they are free, they tend to have a lot more listings than paid Web Directory listings.

Because they do have a budget to work with (as opposed to free Web Directory listings whop have little or none), paid Web Directory listings will generally have better graphic design, better content and actual human beings who will edit and sort the articles based on their particular website’s service policies. While this may seem to offer little advantage to the potential customer, the generally higher quality content and structure of paid Web Directory listings make them all that much more attractive to Search Engines, who consider these paid sites much more reliable subsequently place them higher in their search result listings

Furthermore, Search Engines tend to look less than favorably upon sites that have broken links and non-existent pages. So the generally better designed paid web sites, which will probably be more vigilant in correcting and making sure these errors don’t exist to begin with, are given much higher priority in their search results.

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The Myriad Advantages of Web Directories

Posted On December 1st, 2006 By Ally Web Directory

Ever had the experience of selling lemonade in a cul de sac where nobody even goes? Even though your lemonade was good, nobody was buying simply because nobody was there.

This is similar to having a web site which nobody goes to. You may have the right design, clean and professional. You may have the right web server, fast and secure. But if you cannot be found, everything’s wasted. For your web site to do what it must do, which is promoting you to the cyberspace populace, your site would have to be found first.

Most of your web traffic comes from search engine tools. Therefore, you should consider search engine optimization. However, this is not the only way to increase traffic to your site. You could make use of web directories.

Web directories are comparable to your yellow pages. You have general categories and under each one may be more sub categories or the specific links to sites relevant to the main category. If you know how important the yellow pages are, then you must acknowledge the same for web directories.

Web directories are valuable promotion tools because they are neatly organized. People who are interested in your particular category get driven to you through the directory’s structure. The structured web directories make you very easy to find and access.

Web directories can also greatly enhance your web site’s credibility. Web directories have minimum requirements before they let you sign up or get listed. This is to protect the web directories’ reputation. Being in a web directory, therefore, can make it possible for customers to perceive you as legitimate and trustworthy enough to do business with.

There are lots of web directories in the internet. This gives you the advantage of having lots of listing. Increasing the number of web directories you belong to also increases your popularity. You have more opportunity to showcase your site and more people can have access to it.

Aside from being numerous, web directories are as prolific in their themes. You can find a directory for web site hosting services, optimization services, real estate, physicians and health care providers, and a lot, lot more. You will therefore have lots of choices when it comes to the type of directory you will submit your links to.

Finally, web directories can be free, or not. You should carefully choose which one suits you better. A free web directory is good because it will not cost you anything. However, if you are a serious businessman who seriously values your web presence, it is better to go with paid directories like Ally Directory. Paid web directories are cleaner and more professional-looking since they have money to pay for their design, application and personnel’s expertise. As with any company, a web directory that stands to gain something for the service it provides usually does a better job than one that doesn’t.

With all advantages to web directory membership outlined, wouldn’t it indeed be foolish not to sign up?

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