Blue Text PHPLinkBid Theme
Posted On March 30th, 2009 By PHPLinkBid Templates
It’s been almost a month since we last launched Blue Pearl phpLinkBid theme. The theme is doing pretty well as we already saw it live in action on few bidding directories. Ally Directory management decided that we would be launching a theme every month at least. Not necessarily a phpLinkBid theme but of other scripts as well. Hopefully we can keep up with our commitment and provide you with great themes every time.
Anyways, moving on to our new theme, it’s called Blue Text. The name tells you a little story about this theme. Blue Text phpLinkBid theme is more of a business theme with very neat and clean template. It’s low on graphics and provide a look of a business directory. Low on graphics does make it a very fast loading theme. This theme is compatible with the 1.4.x version of phpLinkBid script. We have a left sidebar in this theme that supports the link leader, categories and linkroll functionality of phpLinkBid. The theme will make your directory easily readable and little seo friendly compared to many other phpLinkBid themes. Lastly, this theme is fluid width theme and can easily be modified. Of course you can add mods like “advanced link stats” and “link effects” for much more beautification.
Here is the screenshot of this theme:
Now this is important. It’s the terms of use section. So please read ahead…
Designed By: Ally Web Directory & 1 Main Street.
(1 Main Street is our new weblog for various script themes and webmaster stuff. It’s a part of Ally Directory Network and not a sponsored link)
Terms of Use: You cannot remove the designer links from footer. However the theme is free to use and to modify. You can not sell and redistribute the theme without our permission. Thanks.
Download Link: Click Here To Download Blue Text Theme.
If you find any bugs in the theme then do care to share it with us. We are trying hard to provide you the best possible theme. Helping us will be helping phpLinkBid community.
Blue Text PHPLinkBid Theme © Ally Web Directory.