Orange Tango PHPLD Template
Posted On October 7th, 2008 By Ally Web Directory
The seventh template has been named as the Orange Tango. The name itself suggests tat the template has something to do with Orange and that’s exactly right. Orange Tango is a very professional, very simple, very basic PHPLD template with Orange shades to make it look elegant at the same time.
Orange Tango template has a simple structure with horizontal navigation bar to start with, followed by a simple header and logo. To fill up the space, we placed a banner of dimensions 468×60 on the right of logo. The template has a right sidebar supporting your text links or “About Us” introduction space. We have tried the categories’ columns of 2 and 3 and 4 with sub-categories ranging from 0 to 5. The template supports all these category combination. This template is not an adsense ready template but you can definitely place your publishers ads in there! Also it’s worth to note that this phpLD template is fluid in width.
Orange Tango template has been tested on tested on Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 6 and IE7.
Brief Information On Orange Tango PHPLD Template:
Designed By: Free PHPLD Templates
Supported By: Compare Loans
Terms of Use: “Orange Tango” PHPLinkDirectory template is free to use but you are not allowed to remove the footer links to the designer and supporter.
PHPLD Version : Orange Tango PHPLD Template Is Only Available For 2.x Versions (i.e. v2.1.2 or v2.2.0)
Download Link: Click Here To Download Orange Tango Template. (Downloaded 2579 Times)
Note: Our templates are thoroughly tested before we launch them to public, but we would request you to take a backup before installing any template.
Preview Of The Template:
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Orange Tango PHPLD Template © Ally Web Directory.