Free Site Sift Templates
Posted On September 13th, 2007 By Site Sift Templates
Site-Sift Directory is a great resource for quality websites. The directory features a free directory script as well, which infact is one of the most successful directory scripts out there. It was established in September 2004 and ever since, Site-Sift has made a name for itself in this competitive market.
If you ever wanted to have your own web directory, then site-sift is one of the leading scripts you can bet upon. It is easy to install, easy to manage and very effective indeed.
Having a directory running on such a great script definitely requires some great looking themes as well. So, we at Ally Web Directory, felt the need of designing and creating some wonderful Site-Sift templates for our fellow webmasters. Hopefully,you will love our themes, as much as we do. 🙂