Ally Red Bubble WordPress Theme
Posted On June 4th, 2008 By Ally Web Directory
Ally Red Bubble Theme is yet another free wordpress theme from Ally Directory. It can be used for any niche, right from business blogs to nature blogs.
It is a right sidebar, fixed width wordpress theme with white color as background and green, red, black n gray all over the place! With colorful sidebar and nice icons for RSS and post writer, this themes will definitely add grace to your blog.
For more details, have a look at the live demo!

Ally Red Bubble WordPress Theme
Preview Link: Red Bubble WordPress Theme.
Please Note: Ally Red Bubble Theme is a free to use wordpress theme provided by “Web Directory” and “Instrumentation Jobs from Emerson Chase Process”
Download Link: Red Bubble Theme Download.
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If you have anything to say then you are most welcome to leave your comments on this theme. Thanks.